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SAN JOSE, CALIF., January 9, 2024 – San Jose Water (SJW), a wholly-owned subsidiary of SJW Group (NYSE: SJW), 宣布向加州公用事业委员会(CPUC)提交2024年通用费率申请(GRC),申请2025年的新费率, 2026 and 2027.

该申请提出了一项为期3年的5.4亿美元资本投资计划,以确保SJW客户及其当地社区的弹性水系统. SJW为大圣何塞大都市区约100万人提供供水服务. The company has served customers since 1866, 它的基础设施在达到使用寿命之前需要不断更换. Since 2005, San Jose Water has invested more than $1.60亿美元用于升级供水基础设施,确保持续可靠地提供高质量和可靠的供水服务.

“水仍然是平台登录日常生活中最重要的资源之一,” said John Tang, Vice President of Regulatory Affairs at SJW. “Reliable water service is not only essential for day-to-day function, but also supports fire protection, economic vibrancy, and environmental conservation efforts. 考虑周到和持续的资本支出是确保清洁饮用水和健康生活的必要条件, natural environment.”

Every three years, CPUC管理的自来水公司必须提交一份文件,详细说明拟议的费率调整以及这些费率调整的原因. CPUC和公共倡导办公室分析费率申请的各个方面,作为透明公共程序的一部分,以确保客户支付合理的费率. Importantly, 在定价过程中,客户有机会参与并分享反馈.

This filing initiates an anticipated 12-month review process by the CPUC. Water rates proposed in this application are preliminary. The CPUC will determine final rates following a comprehensive review process.


  • Replacing about 24 miles of water mains annually;
  • Addressing PFAS-impacted groundwater wells to protect public health;
  • 扩大非饮用循环水系统,提高供水可靠性;
  • 加强供水系统的保安,并在电力中断时提供安全可靠的供水服务, earthquakes and wildfires;
  • 运用资讯科技,提供更佳的顾客体验和卓越的顾客服务;
  • Reducing our carbon footprint through the deployment of solar energy, replacement of diesel generators with backup energy storage systems, electrification of our fleet, and installation of acoustic sensors to reduce water loss; and,
  • 通过改善高质量的供水服务,推进CPUC的环境和社会正义行动计划, increasing climate resiliency, and promoting economic and workforce development opportunities.

About San Jose Water

Founded in 1866, San Jose Water is an investor-owned public utility, 它是美国最大、技术最先进的城市供水系统之一. Serving over one million people in the greater San Jose metropolitan area, DG真人游戏务公司还为其他公用事业提供服务,包括运营和维护, billing, and backflow testing. San Jose Water is owned by SJW Group, 在纽约证券交易所上市的公开交易公司,代码为SJW. SJW Group also owns: Connecticut Water Company in Connecticut; Maine Water Company in Maine; and SJWTX, Inc. (dba Texas Water Company) in Texas. To learn more about San Jose Water, visit 38ya.shunanna.net.

Forward-Looking Statements

本新闻稿包含1995年《DG真人游戏》意义上的前瞻性陈述, as amended. 其中一些前瞻性陈述可以通过使用前瞻性词汇来识别,例如“相信”,” “expects,” “estimates,” “anticipates,” “intends,” “seeks,” “plans,” “projects,” “may,” “should,” “will,” or the negative of those words or other comparable terminology.   这些前瞻性陈述仅为预测,可能存在风险, uncertainties, and assumptions that are difficult to predict. These forward-looking statements involve a number of risks, uncertainties and assumptions including, but not limited to, the following factors:  (1) the effect of water, utility, environmental and other governmental policies and regulations, including regulatory actions concerning rates, authorized return on equity, authorized capital structures, capital expenditures and other decisions; (2) changes in demand for water and other services; (3) unanticipated weather conditions and changes in seasonality including those affecting water supply and customer usage; (4) the effect of the impact of climate change; (5) unexpected costs, charges or expenses; (6) our ability to successfully evaluate investments in new business and growth initiatives; (7) contamination of our water supplies and damage or failure of our water equipment and infrastructure; (8) the risk of work stoppages, strikes and other labor-related actions; (9) catastrophic events such as fires, earthquakes, explosions, floods, ice storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, terrorist acts, physical attacks, cyber-attacks, epidemic, or similar occurrences; (10) changes in general economic, political, business and financial   market conditions; (11) the ability to obtain financing on favorable terms, which can be affected by various factors, including credit ratings, changes in interest rates, compliance with regulatory requirements, compliance with the terms and conditions of our outstanding indebtedness, and general market and economic conditions; and (12) legislative, and general market and economic developments. The risks, uncertainties and other factors may cause the actual results, 平台登录的表现或成就与任何未来结果有重大差异, 该等前瞻性陈述所表达或暗示的业绩或成就. 由于季节性和其他因素,一个季度的结果并不代表全年的结果. Other factors that may cause actual results, 在平台登录最近的10-K表格年度报告中描述了重大差异的表现或成就, 向SEC提交的10-Q表格季度报告和8-K表格当前报告. 前瞻性陈述并非对业绩的保证,仅在作出陈述之日起有效. 平台登录不承担公开更新或修改任何前瞻性声明的义务, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

Media Contact

John Tang, VP Regulatory Affairs
